Choose a daily time that is music time. Play every day at that time to establish the habit of "visiting" your music daily. Brushing one's teeth... eating lunch... going to school or work... we do these things approximately at the same time each day. Make music the same way!
Rhythmic manipulations: ( _ = long; . = short)
for passage work in duples (2s), like running eighth or sixteenth notes:
_ . (swing)
. _ (snap)
.. _ _
_ _ ..
_ ...
... _
for passage work in triplets (3s), any value
entire sections -- Use the score!
Play sections (measures, systems, pages, movements) in random order, any order, play them all, but mix them up!
Play entire piece to the metronome
If your score contains rapid shifts or jumps, isolate the moment of the jump and go back and forth over the actual jump/shift.
Record your performance and listen to it
"Blindfold" practice! well, not really blindfolded. Just keep your eyes closed!
Play the piece for some one