Greetings, everyone!
This first week of March finds me working on a project that I have not undertaken since March 2022: music directing the winter musical at Maynard High School. The musical is "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", the 2005 Broadway musical based on the 1988 movie, the first musical with which I helped at MHS in the winter of 2019-2020. My work load for the last 2 winters has precluded joining the Maynard HS Theater Company in their adventures, though I greatly enjoy working with colleagues and students there. I agreed to help this season because COVID prevented us from opening "Scoundrels" in March 2020... this production, under the direction of 2020's leading lady, Ariane Mauroy, represents a chance for Ariane and I to close a circle, if you will. If you are available March 7 through 9, come see the show. It promises to be a fun time for all!
This first week of March the studio will be closed, as I devote most of the week to the theater production. I will be ready to teach again Monday, March 10, however.
Our final recital date in the academic year, 2024 - 2025 will be:
- Sunday, June 8, 2025 at 3pm
I always urge students and families to put these dates and times on calendars immediately. Attendance at our events has been great, and this is an essential element of a successful gathering.
You can always access lesson notes at the website. Click the curricula button on the left hand navigation tab on the home page, and the site will prompt you for a username and password. Contact me and I will share those with you. I encourage students to open their lesson notes as they practice; the notes "flow" in the order that one should play: scale, technical study, repertory. If we have created some new music it is also listed there, and sometimes we also do musicianship drills.
You are always welcome to use the PayPal electronic payment option. If you want to know how to access it, head over to: www.paypal.me/AMajorPro
Both Venmo and Zelle are now also available as payment options. I am in the Venmo app at @AMajorPro or by using the email kevin at amajorproduction dot org. If you wish to send payment via Zelle, share a mobile phone number with me and I will send a request for payment.
Play every day! Again, do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.